Get Acquainted With Relationship Addiction Before Using Online Dating Sites

Updated July 24, 2023

One of the most intoxicating experiences in life is finding love through online dating platforms. You've likely seen love as the main theme in many movies, songs, and books. But you might be wondering if getting into a relationship and being in love can be addicting? Most people find it hard to function on their own, but not everyone can be addicted to relationships.

Some are more prone to relationship addiction compared to others. This is truer for extroverts who find happiness being with other people. But this experience is common for many people. Continue reading to better understand what relationship addiction is.

What Relationship Addiction Is

Those who suffer from relationship addiction cannot function when they're not romantically involved with someone. If they're not in a relationship, they feel incomplete and find it hard to do things normally. People experiencing this need psychotherapy treatment since it will be very difficult for them to quit this habit.

Another indication of relationship addiction is when one stops taking care of themselves and forgets their purpose and goals in life if they're in a relationship. They accept the relationship although it doesn't make them the best version of themselves.

Similar to other forms of addiction, those who suffer from relationship addiction are recommended to seek help from a health professional. Some don't realize the signs until something triggers the symptoms. So, it's important to recognize the signs so that the healing process can begin.

Relationship Addiction Signs

Going Through Breakup Cycles

Going through a lot of breakups and reconciliations in a relationship is one of the indications of relationship addiction. If someone is addicted to relationships, they can't stand being away from their partner for a long time. They will make up with their partners again and again even though they're aware it's not the right decision.

This cycle is not healthy for relationships. If an argument results in a breakup, they'll likely be the ones to reach out although they didn't do anything wrong. This kind of relationship likely has no future. You have to keep in mind that a healthy relationship can have this kind of cycle, but it's not extreme.

Not Having Self-Control

Similar to other addicts, a relationship addict has difficulty controlling themselves. That means they can't control themselves when they're in a new relationship but can move on fast. Gaining self-control in their actions and behaviors is a crucial step in treating their addiction. They need to be more attentive to how they deal with situations and gain power in their lives.

For example, if their partner cheated, they should realize that respecting themselves and seeing their worth is a must instead of pleading to their partner not to do it. Having control means having power over how you decide in various situations.

Focusing Too Much In The Relationship

When in a relationship in real life or online dating, a relationship addict may provide too much that makes their partner feel overwhelmed. This can have negative effects on other life aspects. They can lose interest in their family, friends, jobs, and hobbies. That's because they've given all their attention to their partner who does not do the same for them. Put simply, they're willing to lose everything to keep the relationship. Not having a life outside the relationship is a clear sign treatment is needed.

Having Inconsistencies In The Relationship

When the relationship is going well, a relationship addict feels extremely happy. But, when it's not, they feel like everything is going bad for them. The good and bad moments are well-handled by couples who are in a healthy relationship. But this is not the case for relationship addicts. If there are inconsistencies in their actions and behaviors, this is a sign of relationship addiction.

Worrying About The Relationship All The Time

When someone is a relationship addict, they think about their relationship constantly. They might ask themselves why their partner did something or what they can do so that their partners can love them more. They always worry about what they need to work on, what is not working, and what they can do in the relationship. They think about their partners or the relationship even if they're with their family and friends or at work.

Not only will these cause serious problems at work but also in personal relationships. A person with this addiction will always try to come up with reasons why their relationship has issues.

Being In Love and A Relationship With The Wrong Person

Another sign of relationship addiction is loving and accepting the wrong person. Relationship addicts will agree to be in a relationship with someone even though it's not the right person. That's because they are so scared of being alone that they don't consider if the person they're having a relationship with is dangerous. They prefer to take that risk than be alone.


Finally, you understand what relationship addiction is all about. Some experts say that people are addicted to love. That's because they need to connect and bond with others in their life to continue existing.

The need for love or a relationship is not always negative. But, if you feel that you depend on relationships too much or they have affected your behavior in a way, it's best to consult with a specialist to get the support you need without judgment.



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