Proven Ways to be More Attractive

Updated Aug 02, 2023

We all want to be attractive in people's eyes, especially to those who we are eyeing on. Fortunately, even if this can be a challenge for some, this is not impossible to achieve. While attractiveness is subjective, certain acts and habits are generally deemed attractive to most people, and these are things that you can do. How? Find out more below:

Mind Your Hygiene and Groom Yourself

Minding your hygiene and grooming yourself is one of the simplest but most effective ways to become more attractive. A person becomes automatically appealing when he is neat as this makes him more presentable.

Simply brushing your teeth, trimming your beard, and combing your hair can go a long way. So, don't shy away from investing in skincare products, and start pampering yourself. Apart from making you more approachable, you'll also feel much better about yourself, thus increasing your confidence.

Dress in Flattering Clothes

Find a flattering fashion statement. Dress in a way that you're comfortable in, but don't underestimate style too. You don't have to buy the trendiest clothes right now. It's just a matter of mixing and matching styles that work for you.

Look for clothes that fit your body well. Find out what your body type is and look for clothes that are flattering. If you're not used to this, you'll get the hang out of it after trial and error, so don't hesitate to experiment, and don't be afraid to ask for some tips and advice from your fashionable friends.

Find a Signature Scent

Did you know that scent also plays an integral part in attraction? Women not only appreciate a presentable guy but also one who smells good. While it's great to mind your hygiene, don't forget to include some perfume too.

The an ideal scent will vary from one person to the next though, so you don't have to impress everyone. You just have to dab some cologne here and there to be more attractive in general.

Exercise Consistently

This is a routine that should be added to your lifestyle if you want to maintain an attractive look. Not only does this keep you healthier, but it also makes you fitter. Physical attraction also varies for different people, but, in general, people who are fitter are deemed more attractive since it shows mental health and physical well-being.

According to research, it's a primal desire in humans to view fit people as stronger, making attraction greater. And while you don't have to be the most buffed guy in the room, adding some exercise to your routine isn't such a bad idea.

Be Generous

Apart from the physical aspects influencing attraction, kindness is equally appealing to women. So, be more altruistic. It shows that you don't only care about yourself but others too. Ladies find sensitive and thoughtful guys attractive because it means that they can understand a woman's empathetic side better.

There are a lot of ways you can express this. You can pick a cause and start donating, or you can simply do random acts of kindness every day. Of course, you have to do this genuinely. Doing it because you want to impress her is not the best idea since it can get tiring and pretentious in the long run.

Have a Great Sense of Humor

Funny guys are often considered attractive by a lot of women. If you can make a girl laugh, you already have an edge. This is because laughter can release the feel-good chemicals in the brain, so the more she's enjoying her time with you, the more she'll associate you with positive feelings.

Having a sense of humor can also capture the attention of people in a social setting, so that makes you even more appealing since it showcases playfulness, making you appear fun-loving and easygoing.

Improve Your Mindfulness

Mindfulness is also included in the list of making a guy attractive. This is because it highlights emotional intelligence and depth. When you can empathize with other people's emotions, you become much more aware, allowing you to behave better in certain scenarios.

Luckily, you can improve your mindfulness in simple ways. You can start with breathing exercises, journaling, and listening better so that you can get in touch with your inner self. Keep on building your mindfulness by reading some helpful guides as well.

Work on Your Confidence

As overrated as it is, it's actually one of the best ways to appear attractive. Knowing how to carry one's self is irresistible. When you're comfortable in your own skin, it shows that you're accepting and totally in control of what you have.

That's why it's great to list down some of the things you find positive about yourself to slowly build up your confidence. Acknowledging yourself is the first step in owning confidence. When you're self-assured, it will show in the way you speak, walk, and dress – and these influence attraction.

Increase Your General Knowledge

Nothing is sexier than a knowledgeable guy. You don't have to be a genius to benefit from this. Simply knowing some general knowledge is already good. Besides, wouldn't you want to get in touch with the current events and also broaden and deepen your knowledge overall?

If you're too overwhelmed by this idea, why not focus on some topics that you already like? Having to learn something interesting makes you one as well as you're showing depth in conversations – something that women find so charming.

These are some of the simplest yet most effective ways to become attractive in someone's eyes. With this, we hope you can see an improvement the next time you go out there and have fun. Good luck!



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